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In addition to the Behavioral Science core classes, 深入挖掘社会运动的动态以及带来变化的因素, criminology, ethnic and minority relations, the status of women in Western society, and the impact globalization is having on our world.

  • Behavioral Sciences Major
  • 48 Units
  • Behavioral Sciences Core
  • 39单元
  • ANT 210: Cultural Anthropology
  • 3

Understanding diverse 文化s of the world, from preliterate societies to modern technological societies, is the focus of this course, and will include mankind's universal as well as adaptive dimensions; and the examination of socioeconomic, political, religious, 以及与不同民族的价值观和生活方式有关的自然环境因素.

  • ANT 364: Culture and Self
  • 3

本课程将探讨个人经历与社会文化背景之间的关系, 关注社会文化制度对人格的作用, 健康, and world view.

  • ANT 435: Religion in Society
  • 3

本课程将对宗教作为人类文化的一个方面进行比较研究,并将包括对宗教行为的实质性和功能性方法, religion as a symbol system, ritual behavior, 魔法, religious movements, and paranormal phenomena. Prerequisite: 蚂蚁210 or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years.

  • BSC 265: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
  • 3

这是一门为有意从事社会科学和教育研究的学生开设的入门课程,该课程将通过使用统计分析来解决基础统计学的基本原理, including basic descriptive measures; sampling and sample size estimation; hypothesis testing; testing for differences between means, correlation, and measures of association; techniques for analyzing categorical data; and summarizing and presenting statistical results. 重点将放在基本统计概念的应用,在社会遇到的各种各样的问题, educational, and policy-related research, 同时使用计算机软件包协助数据分析. Prerequisite: CMTH 101, MTH 201 or equivalent.

  • BSC 296: Introduction to Research Methods
  • 3

这是一门实验性的学习课程,通过开发和执行一个研究项目来研究研究技术和方法,使用以下步骤, research design, data collection and analysis, statistical computation, hypothesis testing, and theory building.

  • BSC 318: Linguistics
  • 3

本课程将通过考察经验之间的联系,将语言作为人类的基本组成部分来学习, 文化, and language through the investigation of how language communicates, 变化, and is used strategically to accomplish 社会 ends.

  • BSC 492: Capstone: The Good Society
  • 3

本课程将探讨行为科学试图解决的核心文科问题,并将作为本专业学生的总结性经验. Prerequisites: ANT 364, BSC 265, BSC 296, BSC 318, PSY 345, SOC 321.

  • PSY 345: Social Psychology
  • 3

本课程将探讨社会影响对人格和行为模式发展的影响,包括社会化, attitude formation and change, communication, propaganda, roles and stereotypes, leadership, and collective behavior.

  • PSY 371: Cognition
  • 3

这门以理论和研究为基础的课程将探讨认知背后的心理过程, imagery, attention, 内存, language, reading, reasoning, decision making, and problem solving.

  • PSY 403: Health Psychology
  • 3

不像传统的模型和思想流派,把疾病仅仅看作是器官的故障或身体系统的崩溃, 本课程将介绍健康和疾病是生物之间复杂相互作用的一部分, psychological, and 社会 factors.

  • SOC 320: Social Stratification
  • 3

This course will introduce the sources, functions, and dynamics of the unequal distribution of wealth, 权力, knowledge, and prestige in an historical, comparative perspective.

  • SOC 321: Social Problems
  • 3

As an introduction to the major problems in contemporary America, this course will focus on the causes, theoretical explanations, and 社会 policy solutions including economic, political, urbanization, environmental, family and educational problems; child abuse; 社会 deviance; crime; delinquency; and drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse.

  • SOC 461: Social Theory
  • 3

本课程将考察选定的社会理论和理论家,以及社会理论的历史和发展,包括以下内容:社会理论的制定和评估,如社会系统, evolutionary, 正式的, phenomenological, symbolic interaction, 社会 action, and exchange theories; sociology of knowledge; and functionalism. Offered alternate years.

  • Sociology Emphasis
  • 9单元
  • Choose 3 of the following courses:
  • SOC 229: Crime, Deviance and Social Control
  • 3


  • SOC 316: Ethnic and Minority Relations
  • 3

This course will analyze ethnicity in contemporary urban society including the relationship between sub-cultural communities and the larger society; examining the factors and processes in the formation of minority groups; and looking at strategies for changing dominant-minority patterns.

  • SOC 322: Social Movements and Collective Action
  • 3

本课程将分析社会运动和集体行动在社会中的作用,通过检查每个作为理解如何的关键组成部分, 为什么, and when change takes place in society, 以及谁参与了这一变革,以何种效果参与了这一变革. Cross listed with HST 322.

  • SOC 325: Women and Gender Issues
  • 3

本课程将提供多学科的视角来理解女性的角色,并从跨文化的角度分析女性在西方社会的地位,包括性别刻板印象, the theories of male domination, male-female relationships, women's liberation, and the role of women in the church.

  • SOC 365: Sociology of Globalization
  • 3

本课程将探讨全球化及其对政治的影响, 社会, and cultural arrangements around the world. Students will investigate the various definitions and interpretations of globalization; analyze how globalization is experienced in different countries; and examine the various reactions to globalization - both for and against.

注意:选择社会学重点的学生建议在持久问题中参加SOC 101 & Ideas (GE).

Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该专业的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成专业的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.

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