


What is the Difference Between a B.A. 和B.S. 在生物学中?

B.S. 在生物学中

生物学学士学位是一个更专业的学位,为学生进入研究生学习或医学健康专业Curriculum做准备, 牙科, 药店, 验光, 兽医科学, 以及其他相关领域.


B.A. 在生物学中

The 文学学士 在生物学中 provides a strong liberal arts core and a broad range of courses. 学生通常选择B.A. to meet course requirements for careers in teaching or as part of our Pre-Nursing小 or Freshman Advantage Nursing Pathway.



  • truesdaily实验室公司.
  • 约翰逊 & 约翰逊医疗器械公司
  • Science Teacher, Christ Lutheran, La Mesa
  • 急救服务
  • Utah Division of Wildlife 资源
  • Science Teacher, South Pasadena Middle School, South Pasadena
  • Science Teacher, St Turibius Catholic School, Los Angeles


Many of our alumni in the natural sciences continue their 教育 in graduate school. 康考迪亚大学自豪地将毕业生安置在一流的博士Curriculum中,从材料科学和核化学到食品科学和化学工程.

  • 德雷克塞尔(医学院)
  • 杜克大学
  • Loma Linda (Medical School, PA School)
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory, Washington Sate University (research appointment)
  • Oregon Health Sciences University (Dental School)
  • 大米(生物化学)
  • San Diego State University (Graduate School of Public Health)
  • Northeast Ohio Medical University
  • Southern California College of Optometry
  • 加州大学戴维斯分校医学院
  • 加州大学欧文分校(医学院)
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校(生物化学)
  • 加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院
  • University of Des Moines (PA School)
  • University of Iowa (Medical School)
  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas (生物学/Microbiology)
  • University of Nevada, Reno (Ecology)
  • University of Southern California (Dental School, Molecular 生物学)
  • University of Utah (Ecology, Biochem, Environmental Science)
  • University of Virginia (Medical School)
  • Washington State (Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry Ph.D.)
  • Western University of Health Sciences (Dental School, Veterinary Sciences, Optometry)